This is an Energy Drinks blog. Discussing Red Bull, Shark, Black Fury, Lucozade, Full Throttle, Monster, etc...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

added to bHIP family ...

Hi again blog readers, what do you think of this?

Another high impact product is now in the bHip family ...

bHIP noniGia - benefits of a billion-dollar product i.e. "noni juice" - but in a convenient pack to carry world-wide.

And only USD $30+ per month vs an industry-norm $100++ to conduct a home business!

Major companies / brand names that carry noni & its derivatives as product ingredients are: GNC, Nature's Farm, TNI (tahitian noni international, formerly Morinda), NHT Global (Lexxus, natural health trends), Enliven, etc.

There is nothing to compete nor compare about, really.
There is simply more than enough going on out there in the noni / mangosteen product comparison wars. Serving only to confuse all consumers than to properly educate.

bHip noni Gia is simply:
  • a convenient solution for product consumption;
  • an easy way to facilitate direct selling business development & marketing efforts.

Explore bHip (TL Global) today. CLICK HERE.

Supporting websites here:

Explore bHIP today. CLICK HERE.
